Saturday, 26 May 2012

CPR for a Mobile Phone!!

I’ve wanted to write this post for a very long time but somehow I just couldn’t get myself to do it for various reasons. Mostly it was down to the fact that after I got home for work I’m pretty much exhausted and the last thing I want to do is look at the computer screen! I know, there’s always the weekend but sleeps just has a vice like grip on me and if I do get out of bed, it is to go and put a new load of dirty clothes for laundry every two hours.

Ironically I find myself writing this in a place that takes up most of my time and is main cause for me having delayed it this far! My desk at work! Yes, its 9:30 A.M on a Saturday and I’m in office! C’est la vie!

Moving on, I’m sure everyone who has owned a phone; has at some point or the other dropped it in water (to no fault of theirs of course! The phone slipped! Phone is to be blamed!). I recently (about a month ago) dropped my phone in water and I did a few things/heard a few more things that probably saved it from being a plastic brick. I thought I’d share these “tips”.

  1. Get it out of the water as quickly as possible! (Don’t have be Einstein to understand why!)
  2. Remove your battery, and no matter how tempted you get, DO NOT switch it on. (I think this has something to do with the circuitry, don’t ask me! I’m no good at electronics)
  3. If you have a hair dryer or access to a hand drier in a washroom, try drying your phone in a stream of hot air. Be careful though, it could get really hot and could damage your phone. Best to dry it in short intervals. A good test would be if your hand is uncomfortable due to the heat, your phone probably feels the same.
  4. If you have rice in your house (which I’m sure every Indian home does!) put the phone in an airtight container of rice for a few hours.
  5.  I had silica gel sachets with me when I was in office so after removing the battery, in its place I put a sachet of silica gel and closed the battery cover. I don’t know if this helped but I’d like to think it did.
  6. Can’t stress how important this is, so I’ll say this again! Do NOT switch on your phone for at least a day. If possible, just take it to the service centre ASAP and let them do the work.

I guess that’s all the “gyan” I have to offer! If you have some tips of your own please do share with clumsy souls like myself !!